Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Vanish Stain Remover Spray

Removing stains from clothing can be difficult, especially if the fabric is delicate and the stains are tough. Stains from grease and paint could be difficult to remove. Vanish stain remover spray can make your washing chore easier and more convenient.  There are various Vanish stain remover spray types namely:

Vanish pre-treatment spray – provides instant removal of stains.
Vanish stain remover prewash spray – works by directly treating stains before washing.
Vanish Oxi action spray – gets rid of stubborn stains like grime and grease.

Here is a product review of the advantages and disadvantages of using these sprays.


1. Saves time

It saves time because all you have to do is to spray the stain directly, and then leave it on for a few minutes and wash. If you do not use a stain remover, you will spend wasted time trying to get rid of it. All of these sprays would help you in your washing chores.

2. Convenient

You can wash off the stain yourself instead of taking your clothes to the laundry, and spending money and time. You can also buy the item readily online, without any problems. It is affordable and effective in removing stains.

3. Safe on white or colored clothing

Vanish stain remover spray is safe to use on white or colored fabrics. You do not have to separate the whites from the colored as you ordinarily do when washing. This will save time and energy.


1. Allergy

Allergy to the product rarely occurs but you should ascertain that you are not allergic to any of its component. Read each label carefully because there may be components of the spray to which you are allergic. It pays to be careful.

*Tips in using vanish stain remover sprays

Treat the stain immediately with the stain remover so you can easily remove it. Do not allow the stain to dry because drying would  harden it. Leave the spray for a few minutes to allow it to work, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Do not use the stain remover sprays on leather, wood, metals, and wool. Use the stain remover spray as directed. If the stain is not removed after the first application, you can treat it again.

You may want to consider these facts when using vanish stain remover sprays. If you are a smart housekeeper, then you should have this essential item in your wash room. It is better to do your household chores quickly and effectively, than to do it lengthily with the same results. Why stress yourself out in washing, when you can wash off stain easily with Vanish stain remover spray.

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